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- Tentang KamiCartrack menawarkan solusi intelektual yang menjamin optimasi armada dan tenaga kerja, seberapa besar ataupun kecil bisnis Anda
- Hubungan InvestorCartrack memiliki riwayat konversi dan penghasilan arus kas yang kuat, leverage keuangan rendah, dan dividen besar
- KarierPortal karier. Lihat semua lowongan kerja terkini dan kesempatan yang tersedia di Cartrack
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Jamming Detection
Offer customers peace of mind with our Jamming Detection technology. In the event of a thief using a jamming device to block communication between the tracking system and the cellular network, Cartrack is able to switch to RF frequency, which allows us to continue communicating with the vehicle.
Car option image:
Car Optional Extras:
The main benefits are
- The GPS system allows accuracy down to 3m
- Jamming Detection back-up battery unit can power the unit for up to 2 days, therefore tracking your vehicle for maximum time
- Up to 3 years back-up battery life expectancy
Jamming Detection is an extension to our Fleet Management Plus product
Monthly R100
Hardware Installation R605
Monthly R80
Car Sub Section:
With Cartrack you are truly worry free. We stay one step ahead, so that we are always able to recover your vehicle, even when the thief is using a network jammer.